The 2015 WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal Infographic

Which Big Name Do You Choose?

When it comes to content management systems, there are three very popular names. There is WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. Each of course has their own pros and cons, but which one is best? If you ask a hundred different people, you will answers from all across the board. 

Jamie from has created a comparison of these "three big CMS beasts". We've attached the infographic at the bottom of this article, but you can also visit Jamie's website for an image with higher resolution. A few CMS comparison highlights from Jamie and the infographic include:


This CMS was released in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. There are currently 74.6 million websites running on WordPress. Of those 74.6 million websites, 37 million of them are being hosted for free. 

WordPress is unsurmounted in the amount of customization that can be done to websites running off of it. There are over three thousand free themes, and thirty six thousand free plugins. The sheer amount of choice here makes WordPress a very popular CMS choice.

WordPress is a free to use and is best used for simple websites. For the daily blogger, and the frequently updated news site, this CMS is an amazing choice. 

WordPress has an extremely easy to use interface, so minimal technical skill is needed. It only takes five minutes to get a website set up with WordPress.

WordPress has great usability going for it, as well as great support, however, it is lacking in a few areas as well. WordPress is unfortunately known for its hackers, and general updates are something to be desired. 


Drupal is a CMS that was created in 2001 by Dries Buytaert. Websites currently being run by Drupal are 763 thousand. Drupal is ranked as the third most popular CMS in the world. 

Drupal offers over 2,000 different free themes and twenty six thousand free plugins. There is a respectable amount of free customization that can go on here. Drupal is free to use.

Drupal excels in running online stores or websites that hold any amount of complex data. It has been said that Drupal is the way to go for any website that is extremely high traffic and in demand.

Drupal requires the most amount of technical skill to use. People choosing to use this CMS should go into it understanding they will need to take the time to learn how the interface works or hire someone to teach them.

Although Drupal is known for its ability to host even the most advanced website, and for its great speed, there is a learning curve for new users.


The last contender here, Joomla!, was created in 2003 as a fork from Mambo. There are currently 2.8 millions websites being run by Joomla!

Joomla! is considered the second most popular CMS in the world. There is much less of a showcase of options when it comes to free customization here. There are only over a thousand free themes and five thousand free plugins. 

Joomla! is considered by many as easier to use than Drupal, but a bit more advanced than WordPress. E-commerce is something Joomla! excels at, and their developer community is great, however, some of the already limited (compared to other CMS') plugins have functionality issues.

CMS Comparison – WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal


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