Wearable technology has become more advanced than ever in recent years; first came the emergence of smartwatches, then digital eyeglasses, and now even clothing which can monitor your health and stream data to your phone. One has to wonder where wearables are headed, with so many users seeking out the newest and the best, and companies striving to meet this demand. The answer is: only up.
What Companies Are Doing to Make Theirs Stand Out
With so many wearables on the market, it quickly becomes a break-neck competition for companies to make theirs the most appealing of the vast selection. While a wearable watch offers many advantages, it can only broaden its abilities so far. So how does one compete with the other, drawing consumer attention to their abilities over the rivals? Businesses today have begun developing new approaches on how to both build and market their wearables to catch the eye of consumers.
1. By Being Niche-Oriented
While everyone understands the purpose and uses of a shoe, Nike made a name for themselves by targeting a single audience for a very specific need. This made them the top choice for athletes, which inherently improved their reputation among other audiences. Wearables follow the same trend by making a wearable designed to serve a select purpose and a select need, targeting a smaller but more valuable group. Disney recently unveiled their new Disney Magic Band, which makes the experience of visitors better than ever before, with the ability to make transactions and gain entry to areas of their resorts fast and simply.
2.By Having Broader Uses
The Disney Magic band is designed to make entering the park easier for visitors, but it also allows them to buy food and merchandise, unlock their hotel room, gain access to transportation, and more. Offering users multiple advantages in a single device makes it the preferred one. Google Glass, for example, not only offered its users information right on the glass hub, but also the ability to take pictures and record videos right before their eyes – a unique bonus others did not offer.
3. By Gathering Information
The ability to offer a quality product is step one, but gathering the information on how to improve it is step two. The leading companies are implementing data-gathering tools within their wearable devices, so they can analyze with hyper converged infrastructure what functions are preferred and used most often by their audience, and which are being ignored. This allows them to create better features for the future and eliminate unnecessary ones.
What Will Future Wearables Bring?
Wearables are only going up, with greater advancements and features arriving every day. What can this next generation of wearables offer the world?
1. Style
While wearables undoubtedly offer convenience, the newer inventions also offer fashion to their users, as is seen with the GoogleGlass’s slim, futuristic design. Most notably, the latest advancement is the “Volantis,” which is in fact a flying dress. Lady Gaga showcased its abilities as a large helicopter-type machine that could be attached to the body with a white dress, which served as both a stabilizer for the user and a fashion statement.
2. Life-Saving Abilities
Making life easier is important, but wearables can even help to save or protect your life. More plans are in development to create this next generation ability, but already “Embrace” is on the job. A new smartwatch, it helps monitor the heart rate and offer a detailed assessment from the comfort of your phone. As the first medical-quality wearable of its kind, it’s designed to help detect approaching seizures, measure activity, assess your sleeping habits, and manage stress, allowing its users to access medical information faster and easier than before. With this smartwatch, those suffering from seizures could have the vital warning they need to ensure their own safety, and many other developers are following this trend.
Wearables are only growing in popularity and use. Businesses are striving to not only make themselves stand out from the competition, but to also create the next generation of smart devices that can improve every facet of life. In the near future, we may live in a world that makes wearables a necessity if not a luxury.